Monday, 29 December 2014

Pantanal Wildlife Tours- Experience Nature

Pantanal Wildlife Safaris is a Brazilian based agency/company, specialized in Safaris, Wildlife Tours, Bird-watching, Photography and Natural History Tours to the finest wildlife harbor of Brazil. This Wildlife explorer is a locally-owned and operated nature tour company based in Pantanal-Pocone, Brazil. It is specially operated by skilled and expert wildlife biologists; Pantanal Wildlife Tours takes you in comfort to the wilderness, far away from the crowds.

Hand-selected for their wildlife awareness, sharp eyes and excitement, their Pantanal Expedition commander and wildlife experts are sure to be a memorable part of your tour. Their decades of travel proficiency assure that you enjoy a trouble-free adventure. Plus, these sharp-eyed locals are sure to assist you identify more wildlife than you ever thought possible!

International Caravan invites you to savor Brazil’s Pantanal, an exhilarating composite of nature and excitement. 
Experience Food & Fun

Your journey includes opportunities for experiencing traditional Brazilian dishes, horseback riding, tramping, boating, night game drives and much more — so everybody enjoys their excellent adventure! An unique treat, IE guests cruise the three rivers — Three Brothers, Cuiabá, and Piquirí — that form Meeting-of-the-Waters State Park, one of the Pantanal’s largest protected areas, on guided jaguar safaris.

Innovative Ecotourism Efforts

Let the wild rivers and rarefied air of Brazil’s Pantanal refine your spirit while at Araras Ecolodge. Araras Ecolodge is a prime of Brazilian ecotourism, and you’ll get a lucky chance to acquire about the lodge’s broad conservation projects while experiencing fresh, naturally grown fruits and relaxing by the pool.

Join the Pantanal tour, taking in a land where the bounty of birdlife is adequate of turning even the most occasional wildlife observer into a birding enthusiast and to a region of Brazil.

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